Sunday, September 19, 2010

Name that Squash!

Green Barn grown squash is now ready! It can be a challenge to decide which squash to buy. Here are brief descriptions of each squash pictured above:

Acorn: (lower left corner) A very popular squash that is great for roasting, baking, steaming, mashing, or stuffed. This is a nice size to work with. Acorn is fibrous and moist.

Golden Buttercup: (Second from bottom left) Dry, sweet, bright orange squash.

Spaghetti Squash: (Third from bottom left) This squash can be baked, boiled, or microwaved after cutting and removing the seeds. After cooking, this squash is very stringy. The strands can be "raked out" with a fork and used like pasta with sauce or with butter.

Butternut: (Third down on right side) Another very popular squash that is sweet and moist and very smooth. This is easy to peel and sauté quickly. This is popular for soups since it is not stringy and mashes or purées very smoothly.

Buttercup: (Upper right corner) This is a very popular sweet, creamy, dry squash.

Sweet Dumpling: (second down from top left side) This is a small squash that has a sweet, nutty flavor and is tender and easy to make for one or two people. This is easily presented whole, cut in half or stuffed.

Carnival: (upper left corner)This is a small, sweet squash with flavor comparable to sweet potatoes. This squash can be used in soups. It is also baked or steamed and served with butter and herbs.

Blue Hubbard: (second from top left) This squash can be peeled and boiled, roasted, or used for pie. These can be very large, so they can be cut up with a large knife or by placing in a plastic bag and dropping it on concrete (fun family activity?!). This large squash has a long storage life.

Golden Hubbard: (third from top left) Fine grained and dry, this squash is good baked or used in casseroles. Golden hubbard also makes good pumpkin pie filling.

There are many recipes for baking, boiling roasting, and creating dishes with squash that can be found in cookbooks or online.

Tip: If the squash is difficult to cut for your recipe, pierce and microwave for 3 minutes and then cut the squash in half and scoop the seeds. The squash can than be baked, roasted, peeled for recipes, or you can continue and finish cooking the squash fully in the microwave.

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